How to use Payscore within Rent Manager

3 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Payscore is integrated with Rent Manager to allow sending automated income verification requests directly out of Rent Manager.

If you have not activated the Payscore integration with Rent Manager, please contact for assistance.

Sending an income verification request

Once you setup the integration, a new custom tab called "Automated Income Verification" appears under a prospect:


Once you click the Automated Income Verification tab, a form is generated to allow sending an automated income verification request.


In order to send an automated income verification request, enter the unit monthly rent and set the Submit Action as "Send Invite". Once you click "Save", an email/text invite will be sent to all of the contacts in this prospect.

Note: All contacts require an email address to be sent an income verification request. If a mobile phone number is included in their contact record, they will receive a text invite as well.

After sending the invite, hit the "Refresh" button to confirm the request was successful, shown below.


If the request was successful, you'll see the Status field has been updated to now show Not Started.


You'll also see the applicant's individual screening status under the Contact Information. This is useful for an income report with multiple applicants so you can track the progress for each individual in the applicant group.


As long as you have an email address included in your Rent Manager profile, you will also receive email notifications when the applicant starts and completes the process.

When the report is completed

When all of the applicants complete the automated income verification request, several fields in the custom tab are populated:


The Income Multiplier Threshold field shows whether the applicant is above or below your net income threshold. This multiplier is calculated using only recurring net income only. If the multiplier is below your threshold, we recommend opening the report to review the non-recurring income. This is the only way to confirm whether the applicant meets your income requirements.

The Date Completed field shows the date the latest report was completed.

The PDF Report field contains the PDF version of the income report for you to view.

We also give you an audit trail in the History/Notes tab of the prospect showing when the automated income verification request was sent, when the applicant started the process, and when the applicant completed the process


Excluding applicants from the automated income verification request

By default, all of the contacts will be sent an email/text invite to complete their automated income verification. If you would like to exclude an applicant, set the contact's user defined field labeled "CD_Include in Income Verification" to No. The screenshots below show you how to do this.



Force Completing a Report

When sending a grouped automated income verification report, Payscore waits until all applicants have completed the workflow before producing the final report so we can correctly aggregate the income data together. If you would like to produce the income report without having all the applicants complete the process, you can "force complete" the report by submitting that action and hitting save:


This will create a report only with the applicants that have completed the report. Don't forget to refresh the data.

Cancelling a screening request

If you want to cancel the current screening request, you can submit "Cancel Invite". This will send cancellation notifications to every applicant that has not completed the automated income verification process.


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