How do I move one screening into another screening group?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

In order to move one screening into another screening group (also known as combining screenings together), first go to our portal here:

Then, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the invite's details page by clicking the row in the Income Verifications list
  2. Click on the Actions button on the top-right hand corner
  3. Select the item Move Screening To This Group


Once you click that icon, the screen below will pop up:


From here, search the applicant's name or email that you want to move into the group that you selected.



Finally, push the button "Move Screening" to move the selected applicant into the group you initially picked. Any reports that need to be regenerated from this operation will be sent to your email address and will be available in the portal.

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